Oak Grove Class of 1981

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Santa Cruz, CA
View profile »Lisa Chajkowski (McNamara)
North Syracuse, NY
View profile »Melinda Glen (McNeill)
Shiremanstown, PA
Hello, Oak Grove Classmates!
Although I left Oak Grove at the end of my sophomore year, I count Oak Grove as my favorite class; through Alex Anderson Elementary School and Davis Jr. High, it was a great time.
I hope to see you all in October!
Blessing… more »
Boca Raton, FL
San Luis Obispo, CA
Rancho Cordova, CA
San Jose, CA
Saint Marys, GA
View profile »Laurie Weiss (Meyer)
Elk Grove, CA
Panama City Beach, FL
Puyallup, WA
wish i could be there but alas we have other obligation that eekend. I doubt many people really remember me much as i was kind of a shy person and did not go out much when in school . i had a job that required working before and after school with the mercu… more »
View profile »Kathy Slaski (Miller)
San Jose, CA
I am afraid that I will be out of town the weekend of the reunion. I would have liked to have gotten the opportunity to catch up with everyone! Have a fabulous time.....remember Hot Bread and Milk, the Quad, and the memories that were amde at Oak Grove H… more »
View profile »Margarita Polumbus (Miramontes)
San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Pleasanton, CA
View profile »Jeannette Raby (Moitoso)
San Juan, PR
San Jose, CA
San jose, CA
Sacramento, CA